Certified Cabin Crew Training
Lufthansa VR Hub

Lufthansa trains flight attendants in virtual reality

With the NMY VR Aviation Training, Lufthansa trains its cabin crew efficiently and cost-effectively, with a clearly measurable return on investment. “VR training for flight attendants is a huge cost saver”, says Björn Eckermann of Lufthansa Aviation Training.

20,000 flight attendants go through the training every year. It is the first VR training approved by the German Federal Aviation Authority and was awarded the German Excellence Award 2020 in the Training & Education category.

  • 20,000 flight attendants per year

  • Certified by the German Federal Aviation Authority

  • Training duration

VR training for flight attendants is a huge cost saver. Using hand tracking instead of controllers was an indispensable part of developing an effective, authorized VR training program for cabin crew.

Björn Eckermann, Lufthansa Aviation Training

With real lives at stake, the German Aviation Authority is rightly cautious when it comes to approving innovative training programs. This makes the fact that Lufthansa Aviation’s training was the first VR flight training program to have been approved a huge achievement and a big step forward in immersive training.

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From inflight entertainment to training solutions, airlines are using augmented and virtual reality to enhance operations. Aviation Business learns how AR and VR are transforming the aviation sector.

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